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GAME to host Fable III launch event

Retailer will open late for midnight queuing, give away hand-painted console.


No Caption Provided GAME's flagship store on London's Oxford Street will be hosting a launch night event for Fable III on Thursday October 28, ahead of the game's release at midnight.

The retailer's event will run from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., says developer Lionhead via Twitter, and it will include a Q&A session with the team behind the game. The first person in the queue will win a "Fable III hand-painted console" and a Limited Collector's Edition of the game, with lesser prizes (T-shirts, gift vouchers, further collector's editions) up for grabs for other attendees.

Fable-ous prizes.
Fable-ous prizes.

Fable III, the second Xbox 360 installment of Lionhead's action role-playing game series, launches in the UK on October 29, with a delayed PC version to follow on an unspecified date. Fable creator Peter Molyneux has vowed to address Fable II's "huge design flaws" in this sequel, in part with refined visuals, alongside the celebrity voice cast and touchy-feely character interaction.

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