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GameSpot After Dark Ep. 59: The Jar-Jar Binks Lollipop Feat. MC Fixer

Jake, Kallie, and Tamoor are joined by MC Fixer to talk about the PS5 showcase.


On this episode of GameSpot After Dark, Jake, Kallie, and Tamoor are joined by podcaster, streamer, and gaming content creator extraordinaire MC Fixer. The crew talk about what they've been playing, which includes Spelunky 2, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, Marvel's Avengers, Call of Duty: Warzone, and World's End Club.

However, the main topic of conversation is, naturally, the PS5 showcase, which finally gave us a release date and prices for Sony's upcoming consoles. More noteworthy, however, is the company's inelegant handling of preorders which, despite Sony indicating otherwise, opened very shortly after the showcase and caught most people off guard.

What does that mean for people who were interested in buying a PS5 on launch day and, more importantly, what impact has this had on Sony's showing and the sentiment around the console going into the launch? Listen to find out what we think.

In the listener questions section we talk about games that we played while growing up but found too challenging for one reason or another, and our approaches to hitting a wall in progression. Alongside that, we tackle how we navigate the sticky world of reading comments sections and receiving negative messages.

Below you'll find all the necessary links to find the show on iTunes, Spotify, SoundCloud, and Google Play. We've also included an RSS link so you can put that into your podcast app of choice.

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