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GameSpot After Dark Ep. 67: Make Love Not Console Wars

We have our reviewers of the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S go all out in a fight to see which next-gen console is the best. Who won? The gamers.


Now that both the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S have launched, we can finally settle the debate on which one is the best via the hottest video game podcast out there. On this week's episode of GameSpot After Dark, PS5 reviewer Mat Paget and Xbox Series X|S reviewer Michael Higham were supposed to throw down but opted for spirited console banter to inform you on where each platform stands at launch.

In a bit of a mix to the normal podcast format, Jake played moderator by giving each debater limited time to make their case on several predetermined topics such as game library, backwards compatibility, controller, user experience, and more. Lucy was chilling, but provided some much needed perspective throughout.

Jake was also able to corral a few GameSpot After Dark listeners for a panel of judges to determine who won the debate who you can hear in this very episode--shouts out to y'all. If you want to join the GameSpot community, the After Dark podcast is a great place to start where you can get to know who we are and what happens behind the scenes (and also keep up with the latest and greatest in video games). Give it a listen with the Spotify embed below!

You can also check out what our panel of esteemed guests do as well. Fogi Bear (@fogi_bear) runs his own Twitch channel and YouTube page where he explores fighting games in great depth. Jacob McCourt (@JacobMcCourt) hosts two shows: the Left Behind Games Podcast and Cutscenes Podcast. Ian Preschel (@ianwhynot, RIP OKBeast) streams on Twitch and runs the A+ Anime podcast and new YouTube channel.

After listening to the podcast episode, be sure to check out Mat's full PS5 review in which he dives into great detail about console functionality, backwards compatibility, the new Dualsense controller, and next-gen game performance. Don't forget to read Michael's full Xbox Series X review and Series S review where he also digs into performance and visuals, Quick Resume, load times, and storage solutions.

If you want to keep up with our weekly episodes of GameSpot After Dark, you can find all the necessary links for the show on iTunes, Spotify, SoundCloud, and Google Play below. We've also included an RSS link so you can put that into your podcast app of choice.

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