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GameSpot @ Leipzig Photoshop Fun

As you can tell by looking at the above photo, the GameSpot crew covering the Leipzig Game Convention has been hard at work scouring the massive convention center in an effort to bring you the best the show has to offer. But just because we haven't had much time for fun it doesn't mean you can't...


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As you can tell by looking at the above photo, the GameSpot crew covering the Leipzig Game Convention has been hard at work scouring the massive convention center in an effort to bring you the best the show has to offer.

But just because we haven't had much time for fun it doesn't mean you can't have a little our expense. This is an open invitation to all you Photoshop masters out there to have your way with this picture taken early in the morning before the show opened. Click the photo for a high quality version and then change the background, add speech bubbles, new people...whatever. Just make sure to keep it clean and hopefully at least a little tasteful.

When you're finished, post your masterpiece in this forum thread. I'll then post the best entries in the soapbox as well as the Leipzig blog section for all the world to see. Have fun!

To see a full-size version of the pictures all you've got to do is click them.

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