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GameSpot Presents Swipe, The GameSpot Mobile Show, Coming September 8

Join us in September for a livestream taking a deep dive into what's next for iOS and Android gaming, featuring games from Activision, Apple Arcade, EA, Netflix, Ubisoft, and much more.

GameSpot is thrilled to announce the first-ever GameSpot Mobile Show: Swipe. Coming this September 8 at 10am PT, we'll be hosting a livestreamed event that puts the spotlight on the latest and greatest games for iOS and Android devices. GameSpot Swipe will be broadcast on GameSpot, YouTube, and Twitch.

The showcase will feature a wide variety of games from different genres, and you can expect exclusive trailers and gameplay videos, game reveals, and new details on upcoming live-service game updates. Some of the major publishers and developers confirmed for the show include:

  • Activision
  • Apple Arcade
  • EA
  • Garena
  • Level Infinite
  • Netflix
  • Ubisoft
  • And many more to come!

We'll also be speaking with the developers behind many of the biggest mobile games to deliver you the inside scoop on what's to come. You can also expect our pals from Giant Bomb and other influencers to join us for this deep dive into the world of mobile gaming.

And in an exciting update, GameSpot can now confirm Kinda Funny's Greg Miller as the host of our first-ever Swipe show. Greg will be joined by GameSpot's own Lucy James and Tamoor Hussain as they unveil all of the major news and reveals from the show.

Alongside all of this, you can look forward to in-depth coverage here on GameSpot, providing a further look into all of these exciting games. With improvements to mobile phone hardware and the advent of mobile gaming controllers, there's never been a more exciting time to play games on your phone, whether it's a full-fledged version of what you'd find on consoles in Genshin Impact or a mobile-specific creation like we've seen from franchises such as PUBG, Call of Duty, or Rocket League. We hope you'll join us to see what's next in September.

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Chris Pereira

Chris Pereira is GameSpot's editorial manager. He's been writing about games for a very long time and is very old. Please don't be loud. He likes Twin Peaks, The X-Files (before it was bad), I Think You Should Leave, Remedy games, and serial commas.