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GameStop lays out SFIV collector's edition

With the long-awaited Street Fighter IV finally set to launch February 17, Capcom is doing its best to continually fuel hype for the game. Following up on last month's launch of Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, collector's edition packages for the fourth...


With the long-awaited Street Fighter IV finally set to launch February 17, Capcom is doing its best to continually fuel hype for the game. Following up on last month's launch of Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, collector's edition packages for the fourth full installment in the series were detailed today, alongside news of a Little Big Planet promotional tie-in.

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According to product pages on the site of retailer GameStop, the two console collector's editions of Street Fighter IV will each have an exclusive figurine spearhead an assortment of packed-in goodies. Xbox 360 owners will receive a miniature replica of the new fighter Crimson Viper, as well as a second game disc featuring a new 65-minute Street Fighter anime in high definition, a CD soundtrack, a hint book, and unspecified downloadable content. The PlayStation 3 version is much the same, but it includes Ryu as its figurine and a Blu-ray disc version of the anime.

Each version of the collector's edition will run gamers $79.99, a $20 premium over the standard versions' $59.99 price tags. Additionally, GameStop is offering a free headband like the one sported by series protagonist Ryu as a preorder incentive for all versions of the game.

Capcom has already announced that European and Australian gamers will also get collector's editions of the game (pictured above). Their versions will include both figurines set against the crowded Chinese downtown backdrop, as well as the anime, hint book, and downloadable content, but they will lack the soundtrack CD.

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Meanwhile, Sony gave fans a sneak peek at its Thursday PlayStation Network release lineup with a post on the PlayStation Blog about four new Street Fighter-themed Little Big Planet costumes. Starting Thursday, gamers will be able to purchase Sackboy costumes to dress the iconic character up in the classic duds of Street Fighter stalwarts Ryu, Guile, Chun Li, and Zangief. Each costume will cost $1.99, or they can be purchased together for $5.99.

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