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GC 2008: Activision's Press Conference

When you've reached the top of the hill like Activision has, there's probably not a huge amount of pressure to go and shake up the status quo. Perhaps that's why today's press conference was so light on new details and announcements. It was more of a reassurance to the European press that this...


When you've reached the top of the hill like Activision has, there's probably not a huge amount of pressure to go and shake up the status quo. Perhaps that's why today's press conference was so light on new details and announcements. It was more of a reassurance to the European press that this holiday's release schedule does indeed look awesome. But despite the relatively conservative approach, there were a few interesting tidbits thrown into the mix. Behold!

Quantum of Solace
As reported earlier today, the latest Bond game will feature a variety of voice actors from not only Quantum of Solace, but also Casino Royale. The actors playing the roles of Bond, M, Le Chiffre, and Vesper Lynd will all lend their voicework to the game, but also new names like Eva Greene and Mathieu Amalric.

Call of Duty: World at War

At E3, Activision announced that Kieffer Sutherland would be playing the role of an American Marine officer in Call of Duty: World at War. Now we can add a new celebrity to the list of voice talent. Gary Oldman will be playing the role of a Russian officer in the game's European campaign, which depicts the fall of Berlin toward the end of the War. In this part of the game, you play as the Russians taking on the Germans, but now you'll have Police Commissioner Gordon from The Dark Knight guiding you along the way.

Guitar Hero: World Tour
We all know that Guitar Hero will arrive on a variety of consoles later this year. But now, the decision whether to buy the game for your PS3/360 or your Wii might be a little tougher. Well, for anyone with an extensive collection of Miis, that is. Yes, the Wii version of the game will support Nintendo's cute little avatars in what's being called the Mii Freestyle mode. Wii owners will also be able to play air drums with the Wii remote and Nunchuk.

Another Guitar Hero announcement dealt with the European market specifically. The European version of the game will ship with a select number of songs from European artists. Those groups include but aren't limited to Oasis, Lost Prophets, Negramero, Tokio Hotel, The Enemy, Anouk, Beatsteaks, Hush Puppies, and Kent.

By shaunmc

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