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GDC Day One: Nintendo Lite on Revolution

After the Sony overload, I headed over to the Nintendo booth to look for the Revolution. I found one. One. Inside a plastic prison. It made me a little sad, but I guess after getting over that, it just made me more excited for whatever they're going to reveal at E3. And again, there's always Satoru...


No Caption ProvidedAfter the Sony overload, I headed over to the Nintendo booth to look for the Revolution. I found one. One. Inside a plastic prison. It made me a little sad, but I guess after getting over that, it just made me more excited for whatever they're going to reveal at E3. And again, there's always Satoru Iwata's keynote tomorrow, maybe he'll say something revolutionary.

What didn't make me sad was the DS Lite extravaganza in the Nintendo booth. In fact, when I pulled out my shabby grey DS to download Brain Age from the DS Download Station, it just felt so old and washed up. That feeling was further exacerbated when Brain Age told me (thanks to its Quick Play challenge that asks you to say aloud the color of a word that appears on the screen, and then tries to trick you by making the word be another color) that my mental age is in its 40s. Anyway, I couldn't stand to look at my DS much with all the shiny DS Lites around, so I went to check out the other demos on display.

No Caption ProvidedThe DS Lite sure is snazzy looking, but it looks even snazzier when you can play the New Super Mario Bros on it. I played some of the single-player and minigames before being challenged to defeat another GDC attendee in the versus mode. He picked Mario (pssh), I picked Luigi... I don't think I need to tell you who won. It's pretty neat, it's like a combination of the old Mario Bros. and Super Mario Bros. 3, while looking kind of different and newer, and having touchscreen functionality.

Despite the lack of Revolution on display, the Nintendo booth was still a hubbub of activity, especially around the demos of the newer games like Mario and a Zuma-esque game called Magnetica. Unlike most of the other booths at GDC, the Nintendo and Sony booths had a fair amount of new or very recent games, which made them fun to stand around in. That's not to say graphics cards aren't interesting, they are, and we saw some very cool tech demos to prove it, but they don't have the same kind of lasting entertainment value as the New Super Mario Bros. on a shiny DS Lite.

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