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Gears of War 3 collectors' editions detailed

$150 Epic Edition includes 11x9 Marcus Fenix statue, behind-the-scenes documentary; $80 Limited package has 1:1 Octus Service Medal.

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Epic Games went over the top with its Gears of War 2 collector's edition bundle in 2006, offering a life-sized replica of the game's iconic chainsaw-bayonet rifle, the lancer. For Gears of War 3, Epic appears to be approaching the game's Epic and Limited Edition bundles in a more conservative fashion.

The centerpiece of this year's $150 Gears of War 3 Epic Edition will be a limited-run Marcus Fenix statue. Designed by Epic Games art director Chris Perna and fabricated by Triforce, the statue weighs 3.7 lbs. and measures 11.2 inches by 8.9 inches.

Legal documents are just one of the pack-ins for Gears 3's Epic Edition.
Legal documents are just one of the pack-ins for Gears 3's Epic Edition.

The Epic Edition also includes a behind-the-scenes book by Tom Bissell, which offers 96 pages of interviews, photos, and concept art. Gamers will also find some in-game content by way of the Infected Omen Weapon Pack, which includes multiplayer skins for the lancer, retro lancer, hammerburst, sawed-off shotgun, and gnasher shotgun.

The Epic Edition will also include all of the contents of the $80 Limited Edition. The headline pack-in for this package is the Octus Award Box with Octus Service Medal, which is a life-sized replica of the honor given to scientist Adam Fenix for his work on the Hammer of Dawn. The bundle also includes a code redeemable for the Adam Fenix skin in multiplayer, personal records of Marcus' father, and a fabric COG flag.

Gears of War 3 will be available for the Xbox 360 on September 20. For more on the Epic and Limited editions, check out Epic's latest developer diary, below.

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