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GMX signs Massive Assault for Europe

GMX Media announces that it has secured the rights to publish's upcoming turn-based strategy game in Western Europe.


GMX Media has today announced that it has secured the rights to publish Massive Assault in Western Europe. The game, which is currently in development at, is a turn-based strategy game set in the year 2365, when humankind has been forced to leave Earth in search of resource-rich planets.

"We received quite a number of publishing proposals for Western Europe, however GMX Media's approach to marketing and their retail distribution potential impressed us most," said Victor Kislyi, the president of "These guys work really fast and professionally--we can see and feel that our title is given maximum attention and devotion."

No release date or North American publisher for Massive Assault has been confirmed at this time. For more information on Massive Assault, check out our previous coverage of the game.

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