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GodGames announces Hidden & Dangerous 2

The sequel to the tactical action game is coming this fall from Illusion Softworks. New screens inside.


Fans of the World War II squad-based combat game Hidden & Dangerous now have another game to look forward to. GodGames has announced its upcoming sequel to the game, Hidden & Dangerous 2. The new game will feature the same style of squad-based tactical combat found in the first game, but it will add new missions, locations, and other features.

In Hidden & Dangerous 2, players will command the Special Operations Executive Section in more than 20 covert missions in nine different campaigns. The missions will take place during World War II in a variety of locations, including Burmese jungles and African deserts.

To learn more about the original Hidden & Dangerous, read our full review of the game. Hidden & Dangerous 2 is in development at Illusion Softworks, the Czech studio that created the original game, and it is scheduled for release this fall.

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