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GSA Community Game Night: Uncharted 3

We team up with the folks at Sony to let Singaporeans check out the upcoming action game before everyone else on October 28.

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Update: Added in pre-order bonuses only available at the event.

With two community game nights said and done, GameSpot Asia is planning on upping the ante. What better way to do this than to let you readers check out the full version of Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception for the PlayStation 3 just before everyone else gets it next month?

The third installment of the series created by Naughty Dog (of Crash Bandicoot and Jakk & Dexter fame) features an all-new single-player campaign with a mix of third-person shooting and platforming, as well as new and updated multiplayer modes like Gold Rush, Free-for-All, and Co-Op Arenas where you and a buddy take down hordes of terrorists and mercenaries to survive.

The game will only be out in November, so this is your chance to get an exclusive hands-on of the full title. You can register on the link here. Further details are below:

Venue: E2Max@Cine-L9
Address: 8 Grange Road, Level 9 Cathay Cineleisure Orchard, Singapore 239695
Date: October 28, Friday
Registration starts from: 6:30 p.m.

As a bonus, the first 40 registrants to attend and pre-order the game through Sony Hong Kong at the event will receive the following in-game bonuses: the clip size mod for the G MAL battle rifle, the callout mod for the AK-47 rifle, the clip size mod for the Para-9 pistol, and a special theme and avatar pack.

Test out the single-player. Play through the multiplayer with other people in the same room. Check out split-screen co-op mode. Mingle with like-minded peers about games and other forms of entertainment. Fun for the whole family! We'll provide the entertainment and drinks; you just have to show up and have fun.

Slots are limited and deadline for registration is on October 27, so do secure your place now!

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