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Guitar Hero: Metallica demo thrashes onto Xbox Live

Metallica doesn't exactly have a good track record when it comes to digitally distributing its tracks for free, but that isn't stopping Activision from releasing a sampler pack for the band's upcoming tribute game, Guitar Hero: Metallica. The publisher said today that a four-pack from the upcoming...


Metallica doesn't exactly have a good track record when it comes to digitally distributing its tracks for free, but that isn't stopping Activision from releasing a sampler pack for the band's upcoming tribute game, Guitar Hero: Metallica. The publisher said today that a four-pack from the upcoming rhythm game is now available as a free download through Xbox Live.

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The four-track demo includes two tunes from Metallica and two from the 21 other artists joining the thrash-metal kings in the game. From Metallica comes "Seek and Destroy" off the band's first studio album, Kill 'Em All, as well as "Sad But True" from 1990's The Black Album. Alice in Chains and Queen will provide the other two tracks in the Xbox Live demo with their respective "No Excuses" and "Stone Cold Crazy."

Guitar Hero: Metallica is expected to ship for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on March 29, with Wii and PlayStation 2 editions to follow in May. For more information, check out GameSpot's previous coverage.

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