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Gun Jam Looks Like Guitar Hero Mixed With A Shooter

dQ.U.B.E. developer Jaw Drop Games has announced its next game--and it looks really cool.


UK developer Jaw Drop Games, the developers of Q.U.B.E. and Hue, have officially announced their next game--and it looks very unique.

Gun Jam is a new indie title that mixes shooting with music. Jaw Drop Games announced it's moving forward with production on the title after a positive reaction to the game's Twitter announcement video, shared by game designer and studio co-founder Dan Da Rocha on April 19.

As you can see in the video, the hook of Gun Jam is that it mixes FPS elements with Guitar Hero-style beat-matching. The gunfights are synced to an original soundtrack, and players must fire their weapon in time with the beat. There will be multiple different characters and environments, as well as campaign and arcade modes. Players can also expect special multiplayers and a high score leaderboard to compete with friends.

According to Jaw Drop Games, Gun Jam has been in "early development" for six months already, and has gone through multiple iterations of different visions.

"We finally decided to reveal what we had in the making and I was properly blown away with the amazing response that followed," Da Rocha said. "It's great to see such a good reception and there’s a lot of intrigue and speculation, and new fans wanting more content. The core mechanics definitely have their challenges but I'm proud of the team for pulling together and problem-solving to achieve the vision."

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Gears of War designer Cliff Bleszinski is a fan of Gun Jam's concept. He said on Twitter that it's the "most innovative FPS idea" he's seen since Superhot.

Halo developer Tyler Davis also responded positively to the Gun Jam concept, saying on social media that the game is "legit Guitar Hero for a shooter."

In conjunction with announcing the greenlighting of Gun Jam, the studio confirmed that it's ramping up its staff to finish the game. The title is coming to PC, while Jaw Drop says it will consider other platforms later on.

You can add Gun Jam to your Steam wishlist here.

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