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Halo Infinite Third-Person Mod Puts Zeta Halo In A New Light

A great reason to give Halo Infinite's campaign another spin.

Halo has dabbled with third-person camera angles before, namely when Master Chief is using a turret, driving a vehicle, or wielding a heavy weapon. But this third-person mod from Opulent Halo puts Master Chief's Zeta Halo adventure in a whole new light.

As highlighted by PC Gamer, the mod released back in January for Halo Infinite on PC. Thankfully, now is as good a time as any to dive back into Halo Infinite's campaign. Though Halo has always been a first-person franchise (not counting the early, pre-Xbox versions of the game), this mod shows it works surprisingly well in third-person too. While it might not be as "immersive," it's still cool to see Master Chief shoot, slide, and grapple around the world 343 Industries has created from a new point-of-view.

Installing the mod won't get your account in any kind of trouble with 343 since it's for single-player only, though it is a little tricky to get working and you'll need to repeat the entire process every time you restart the game. There's also no way to quickly switch between first-person and third-person views without restarting, so hopefully the third-person camera is to your liking. Opulent Halo has put together walkthrough for getting the mod up and running here.

Halo Infinite is still waiting on the official release of its campaign co-op, which will come sometime during Halo Infinite's second multiplayer season, slated to start May 3. Season 2, Lone Wolves, will introduce a new battle pass, new maps, game modes, and more.

The game's custom map editing tool, Forge, will come with Halo Infinite Season 3. While co-op has been long delayed, that didn't stop some players from figuring out how to enable co-op anyways, albeit with some potentially save-corrupting results.

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