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Hearthstone's Principle Narrative Designer Has Left Blizzard After 12 Years

Dave Kosak previously served as the lead quest designer for World of Warcraft.


Dave Kosak, the principle narrative designer for Blizzard's Hearthstone, has left the developer. Kosak worked at Blizzard for 12 years, but has now said his goodbyes.

"After 12 remarkable years and countless adventures, I am moving on from Blizzard Entertainment," Kosak said in a short Twitter thread. "I will very much miss all of my Blizzard colleagues."

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He went on to reminiscence about his time at the company, and promise fans that further updates were coming to Hearthstone. The game recently received a new expansion, Madness at the Darkmoon Faire.

Kosak also served as the lead quest designer on World of Warcraft before moving over to Hearthstone. The next expansion, Shadowlands, is due later this year.

Kosak has taken a new job at Deviation Games, where the team is working on, in his own words, "something secret...but amazing." Hopefully we'll get more insight into what the team is working on soon.

While Blizzard's convention, BlizzCon, could not happen this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the company is planning for a virtual BlizzCon in 2021.

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