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Here's How Long It Takes To Finish Watch Dogs: Legion

There's a lot to take in during your campaign to retake London, so here's an explainer on how long it can take to complete the campaign.


Ubisoft's next open-world hacking game, Watch Dogs: Legion, features a lengthy campaign that takes you across the different boroughs of London. In the third game of the franchise focusing on the exploits of the secretive hacker collective DedSec, we see the group expand by bringing in everyday citizens in the fight to save England's capital city from an authoritarian regime--and there's certainly a lot of ground to cover.

We can confirm that the main campaign takes about 25 hours to complete from start to finish. This playtime also includes the main story missions and the many recruitment assignments and side-objectives you pick up along the way. It can be a bit tricky to determine how long it would take to complete all the core content for completionists, including all the data pick-ups, side-missions, and other areas of note. What's special about this game is that it has an infinite number of playable characters, who offer you new missions that are randomly generated, so there's no true way to exhaust all the game's content.

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Now Playing: Watch Dogs: Legion - Recruitment Mission Gameplay

In GameSpot's full review, editor Alessandro Fillari gave the game an 8/10. In the review, he stated that Ubisoft's next game is a fun and novel installment that builds upon the franchise's core hacking and social engineering gameplay.

"Watch Dogs: Legion takes the foundations and ideas of its predecessors and expands upon them exponentially. The core conceit of Legion lies in the old adage of "strength in numbers," which manifests in the game letting you recruit and play as nearly any character you come across, amassing a ragtag crew of freedom fighters. This open-ended stance to fighting the system is a significant change for the franchise, and it's bolstered by improved hacking and social-engineering gameplay. Legion's approach, while admirable, does have some unintended issues that make its powerful message of unity waver at inopportune times, but it still manages to make a profound statement about hope with its novel approach to player agency."

With its release on October 29, we'll have much more to cover with the open-world game. In addition to our review, check out our recent videos covering standard recruitment missions, along with a roundup of some of the weirdest operatives we've found while exploring London.

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