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How To Unlock THPS 1 + 2 Mods And Cheats, And What They Do

It's pretty simple but this is what you need to do and what you get from game mods and cheat codes in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 Remastered.


Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 Remastered is out now and I'm sure many of you folks out there playing it want to mess around with cheats or mods. Well, to get them all, it's quite simple: Just complete the THPS 1 and THPS 2 tours and you'll unlock them.

You have the most useful ones right off the bat, though. Mods like perfect balance, no bailing, and full special meter are available as assists, which come in handy if you're having trouble with some aspects of the tours--there's also no consequence or drawback from using them outside of ranked modes. However, the more silly ones are locked behind finishing the tours. Once you complete the THPS 1 tour, you get Skater Size--you can be massive and take up most of the screen, or you can be vewy smol and make it impossible to see what tricks you're doing.

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After finishing the THPS 2 tour, you get a few more mods. These include doubling the base score of your tricks, further modifying your skater's stats in session, and some graphics filters. The filters are "Green Boy" that makes things look greenish like an old Game Boy, "Inverted" which inverts the color spectrum, "Black and White" which is self-explanatory, and "Old Timey" that looks like a sepia tone effect.

Note that you do not need to achieve 100% completion of objectives in either THPS 1 or THPS 2 tour to unlock these game mods, you just need to make it to the last competition in the level select and finish it. Once you're done with those tours, the cheats will be available in the pause menu just like the assists and moveset options.

A look at the Game Mods menu in THPS 1 + 2 Remastered with cheats unlocked.
A look at the Game Mods menu in THPS 1 + 2 Remastered with cheats unlocked.
  • Double Base Score (On or Off)
  • Stats (Expert, Normal, Super)
  • Graphics (Normal, Inverted, Black and White, Green Boy, Old Timey)
  • Skater Size (Tiny, Normal, Giant)

We have much more coverage on this excellent nostalgia trip, so be sure to read our Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 Remastered review in which author Mat Paget said, "Playing through the newly remade levels is immensely enjoyable, and that on its own is enough to call Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 a success. However, smart additions and an engaging challenge system make it an experience that's more than just a brief skate through Tony Hawk's past."We also have a tip on how to unlock the secret character Officer Dick who's played by actor Jack Black, and you can read about how culturally impactful the THPS series has been for many of us. For a few goofier stories, check out how one engineer made a self-kickflipping skateboard, and how Tony Hawk's staff surprised him with a real S-K-A-T-E game. He never found the secret tape.

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