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Hunger Games-Like 16-Player Battle Royale Game Coming to Steam

Kill or be killed.


Announced today by Lichdom Battlemage studio Xaviant is a new game called The Culling. Kind of like The Hunger Games, The Culling is a kill-or-be-killed game where 16 players will fight to the death, leaving just one player victorious on the battleground. Check out the announcement trailer below.

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As you can see in the announcement trailer, The Culling is set on an island paradise, but you probably wouldn't want to visit there. Players are thrown into the mix and must explore the world, scavenge for resources, make weapons, and build traps and obstacles to take down other players.

The game's origins are traced back to a question that Xaviant management put to its staffers.

"I asked a small, talented team to come up with their dream game and gave them the autonomy to build it," Xaviant founder and CEO Michael McMain said in a news release. "The Culling is the result of that effort. It has been the highlight of my career!"

The Culling aims to "redefine" the battle royale genre--the concept definitely sounds intriguing.

We'll find out how it plays when The Culling arrives on PC via Steam Early Access on March 8. For now, you can watch the trailer above and check out some images in the gallery below.

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