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Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter complete

Interplay's expansion to the action-oriented Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game has gone gold and will soon ship to stores.


Black Isle Studios, the role-playing game division of Interplay, has announced that Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter has gone gold. Heart of Winter is an expansion pack for the popular action-oriented Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game Icewind Dale, and it adds a number of new monsters, spells, and areas to the game. In addition, the expansion includes support for higher resolutions, larger monsters, and new interface options. Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter requires an installed copy of the original Icewind Dale in order to run.

Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter is scheduled for release next week for an approximate retail price of $29.99. For more information, take a look at our collection of screenshots, movies, and in-depth previews of the expansion.

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