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IGF 2002: Asheron's Call 2 unveiled

Microsoft unveils the sequel to its online role-playing game.


Publisher Microsoft and developer Turbine Entertainment have revealed their next project: Asheron's Call 2, the sequel to their online role-playing game, Asheron's Call. The sequel will feature lots of improvements to the core game, including a completely new look that will be provided by Turbine's powerful G2 engine. The new graphics engine will allow for real-time 3D shadows and lighting, as well as animated scenery, like swaying grass and water reflections.

The sequel will build upon and improve the ideas that Turbine used in the original game. For instance, just as the original Asheron's Call had regular world-changing events that introduced new scenery, monsters, and items into the world, the sequel will have even more events, as well as a much more interactive environment. Asheron's Call 2 takes place in the wake of a disaster that's nearly destroyed the world, so players will actually be able to help rebuild the gameworld's civilizations. They'll also be able to directly affect the world in other ways by completing complex quests. Additionally, Asheron's Call 2 will feature an improved combat model--though the original game let players choose the strength and speed with which they'd swing their weapons, the sequel will let players learn and use different fighting styles.

The sequel will include several all-new features, like the ability to join one of three in-game factions, which will affect player characters' standing in the world. What's more, unlike the original game (in which players could play only as human characters), Asheron's Call 2 will actually let players choose from three player races: humans, tumeroks, and lugians. Asheron's Call 2 will also have a comprehensive craft system that will let players gradually improve their skills until they're able to create powerful magic items.

We'll have more on Asheron's Call 2 directly from the ongoing International Games Festival.

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