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Interplay Shuffles Deck

Clay Fighter Extreme is cancelled, Earthworm Jim 3D is on hold, and a few new titles are possibly in the works.


Wednesday, GameSpot News learned the status of several games Interplay had planned for '98. Representatives informed us that its PlayStation/Nintendo 64 title, Earthworm Jim 3D, is currently on hold; the company is shying away from thoughts of doing a PlayStation version of its Starfleet Academy PC title; and that Interplay is still undecided whether or not it will pursue a PS version of the driving/driving-over-people PC game Carmageddon. If Interplay does, however, it would not simply be a straight port of the title and would carry several enhancements.

Meanwhile, Interplay's Lisa Fleury explained that Clay Fighter Extreme - what essentially amounted to the PlayStation version of Clay Fighter 63 1/3 - has been cancelled.

"The reason that Interplay decided not to develop it," Fleury told GS News, "is because it was not on schedule for release simultaneously with the N64 version. Rather than have it be perceived by PSX consumers as a late port, we decided to stop the project and focus on ensuring simultaneous releases for our other cross-platform titles."

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