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<i>Terminator 3</i> star cast as BloodRayne

Kristanna Loken will portray the vampire vixen in the film adaptation of the Majesco game.


With production of the movie adaptation of BloodRayne set to start soon, the producers of the film have finally cast the title role. Kristanna Loken, most famous for her role as the Terminatrix in Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, will slip on the boots of the half-vampire, half-human heroine who is on a mission to kill the lord of all vampires. The Norwegian-American ex-model will travel to Romania, where Boll KG and Brightlight Pictures will begin shooting the picture later this month. BloodRayne is being directed by House of the Dead helmer Uwe Boll and will be released sometime in 2005. A sequel to the BloodRayne game is due later this year.

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