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Jimmy Fallon demos Xbox One on late night TV

Actor Will Forte joins Fallon on his late night program to play Forza 5 and Kinect Sports Rivals.

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Last night, Microsoft demonstrated the Xbox One and various games like Forza Motorsport 5 and Kinect Sports Rivals on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon on NBC. Forza 5 is an Xbox One launch title, while Kinect Sports Rivals will be released in 2014, though a free trial version will be available at launch.

Fallon and a Microsoft representative were joined during the segment (below) by Saturday Night Live actor Will Forte, who went head-to-head with Fallon in Kinect Sports Rivals.

Last week, Sony brought the PS4 onto Late Night with Jimmy Fallon and demonstrated PlayStation Camera game The Playroom with actor Ice-T. The Xbox One launches tomorrow, November 22, in North America for $500.

For more on the Xbox One, check out GameSpot's review roundup, featuring games like Ryse: Son of Rome, Dead Rising 3, Crimson Dragon, LocoCycle, Forza 5, and Killer Instinct.

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