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Kingdom Hearts 3 Release Date Will Be Revealed Next Month

Tetsuya Nomura says Square Enix is "very close to really finalizing the date."


Square Enix plans to announce a release date for Kingdom Hearts 3 very soon. During a preview event, game director Tetsuya Nomura said, "We are very close to really finalizing the date right now, so we do plan to reveal it early next month."

E3 2018 starts early next month, so Square will likely announce the date during its press conference. According to a Twitter post, the company has a "special video presentation" planned, revealing the "exciting future of Square Enix." Square's E3 presentation will take place on June 11 at 10 AM PDT/1 PM EDT/6 PM BST.

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Now Playing: Kingdom Hearts 3 Release Date Will Be Revealed Next Month - GS News Update

Kingdom Hearts 3 was first announced five years ago at E3 2013, with a short teaser trailer that concluded with a statement saying the game was "now in development." Though it made an appearance at a convention every year since its first reveal, no substantial details about a release window were given until D23 2017, where we were given the vague "coming 2018" announcement. In June 2015, Nomura said the game's development was on track.

In our new hands-on time with Kingdom Hearts 3, Alessandro Fillari played through two worlds--Olympus (Hercules' world) and The Toy Box (Toy Story's world)--writing, "Perhaps it was nostalgia playing into it, but there was an extra twinge of excitement in seeing these characters come back in a big, if somewhat bizarre way."

Kingdom Hearts 3 is scheduled to release sometime this year for PlayStation 4 and, for the first time in the franchise's history, Xbox One.

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