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Kingdom Hearts 3 Secret Ending Movie Now Available

Sora's secrets unsealed.


Square Enix has been very protective of Kingdom Hearts 3 spoilers, even holding back some of its special endings for post-launch. That rolling time period has now ended, as Square Enix has announced that its closely guarded "Secret Movie" is now available for those who have fulfilled the requirements.

The Secret Ending is tied to photographing the Lucky Emblems, which are recognizable as Disney's Mickey Mouse logo, hidden throughout the world. Check out our Lucky Emblems guide for details on their locations. The number of Lucky Emblems you need to collect to unlock the Secret Movie is different based on your difficulty level. On easy mode you'll need to get them all, but in the other two modes you can get fewer to unlock them.

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Now Playing: The History Of The Kingdom Hearts Franchise

This is actually the second post-launch movie added to Kingdom Hearts 3. A special epilogue was also added and is viewable upon finishing the game's main story. Square also patched in a "Memory Archive," a series of short films that reviews the major points of the story so far.

When the game leaked and spoilers began to circulate online, director Tetsuya Nomura asked fans to please not share them, and detailed his plans for the post-launch movies. More recently, he said he's reconsidering simultaneous worldwide launches to avoid leaks.

For more on Kingdom Hearts, check out our history of the franchise and full story recap. You may also need some beginner's tips to get started off on the right big floppy yellow shoe.

"What sticks with me is the exciting battle against elemental titans with Hercules, taking Rapunzel out into the unfamiliar wide world for the first time, snapping selfies with Winnie the Pooh, and going toe to toe with Davy Jones," critic Tamoor Hussain wrote in GameSpot's Kingdom Hearts 3 review. "In 2002, as Sora, I left Destiny Islands to travel across the universe and make new friends. In 2019 I brought old ones home, and I had so much fun doing it."

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