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Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix hitting PS3 in 2014

Square Enix confirms compilation pack featuring Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, Birth by Sleep Final Fix, and Re:coded launching next year.

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Square Enix today announced Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix, an all-new compilation pack headed exclusively to the PlayStation 3 across the world in 2014.

The bundle is a follow-up to Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix. It includes previously Japanese exclusives Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix and Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix, as well as Kingdom Hearts Re:coded.

Square Enix also announced today that the Kingdom Hearts series has now sold over 20 million units worldwide to date.

Kingdom Hearts III was announced during the 2013 Electronic Entertainment Expo in June. It is currently in development for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. No release date has been announced.

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