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Konami Releases New Racer in Japan

Konami releases a new racer called Midnight Run in Japan.


Konami released a Sony PlayStation version of its arcade racer Midnight Run in Japan last week. A nighttime race along Tokyo's busy freeways, the game begins by offering three different tracks (The Sunset Trail, Starlight Heat, and Midnight Run) and four sports cars. The racing basics are all here: first- and third-person perspectives, manual or automatic transmissions, and eight levels of difficulty.

The player must not only vie for position among several competitors but must avoid heavy traffic made up of numerous compact cars, motorcycles, and trucks. Points are awarded for each vehicle passed and tallied at the end of the race.

Konami announced intentions to bring the title out in the US at the last E3 convention, but no North American release date has yet been officially set.

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