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Last Guardian and Killzone Devs Open New Studio, Friend and Foe Games

The indie studio has announced that it is simultaneously working on two new games.

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Five developers have created a new indie studio called Friend & Foe Games and have announced that they are working on two new games. The five have worked on a number of different AAA titles, including Battlefield 3, The Last Guardian, Bionic Commando, and Killzone.

They founded Friend & Foe when they lost interest in working for large companies and instead wanted to pursue much more personal and smaller projects. "As many before us, however, we grew tired of working for big companies and chose instead to bet it all on pooling our talents and set out on the great indie adventure we always wanted," their website explains.

The studio is aiming for "extremely nimble game development" and extensive self-publishing of its games. Additionally, Friend & Foe has revealed its first two projects that it is creating in tandem, Vane and Dangerous Men.

Vane is an open-world adventure and exploration game being worked on by ex-Last Guardian developers. According the studio, it focuses on "A child with an odd ability stuck in a strange land [and] a dangerous natural environment inhabited by a strange civilization." From the first screenshots that the studio has posted, it looks beautiful.

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Dangerous Men is very different than Vane, and it seems to be more akin to Hotline Miami or Gunpoint. According to the website, the game is chaotic and crazy: "Two cops, one city and tons of explosions! Dangerous Men is an action arcade game based on 80's buddy cop movies, featuring a city-wide explosionfest as detectives Mendoza and InsertNameHere literally jump from explosion to explosion to clear the city of the Punk Gang menace."

Vane has been announced for the PC, but Dangerous Men hasn't been announced for anything yet. Neither game has a release date.

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