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London launch for Modern Warfare 2

Activision announces new Call of Duty launch in London's Leicester Square, along with midnight opening at HMV Trocadero.

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Back in September 2007, Microsoft hosted a Halo 3 launch event at London's Imax cinema. Journalists, fans, and celebrities, such as Pharrell Williams and Carmen Electra, came out to mark the occasion, which went down as the biggest entertainment launch in history at the time.

This year, another huge game is taking a similar promotional route for its launch in the British capital. On November 9, 2009, Activision will launch Modern Warfare 2 in Leicester Square, with a screening of the game for celebrities, fans, and journalists ahead of the global launch the following day.

Activision also announced a partnership with HMV's Trocadero store for the game's official midnight launch, where eager gamers can queue up to be the first to buy the game. The company also announced a separate VIP launch party, which will be held in a secret underground bunker, featuring a performance by "one of the UK’s biggest male artists of 2009."

GameSpot UK will, of course, be attending the midnight launch and donning our smartest suits in order to make it into the VIP party. Stay tuned for news, images, and video on November 9.

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