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Madame Web Trailer's "He Was In The Amazon With My Mom" Line Is An Internet Hit

The dialogue delivered by Dakota Johnson as Cassandra Webb has instantly turned into a meme.


The recently released Madame Web trailer introduces an origin story setup for the eponymous character along with multiple Spider-Woman characters--including Sydney Sweeney as Julia Carpenter. But what people might remember the most from the video is Dakota Johnson's delivery of a line by Cassandra Webb: "He was in the Amazon with my mom when she was researching spiders right before she died."

The internet quickly turned the Madame Web dialogue into a meme. For instance, people shared how hilarious the line is when coming from other famous movie characters, like Luther in Mission: Impossible or even at the end of Chinatown. Check out some of our favorites below:

The "he" in the line is about Ezekiel Sims, played by Tahar Rahim (Napoleon). Ezekiel appears to serve as Madame Web's main villain in the movie, even donning what looks like an evil Spider-Man suit.

The Madame Web trailer focuses on Cassandra as a paramedic who can see the future. Other main cast members--in addition to Johnson, Sweeney, and Rahim--are Emma Roberts, Isabela Merced, Celeste O'Connor, and Adam Scott. The director is SJ Clarkson, who previously helmed episodes of Succession, Jessica Jones, and The Defenders. She also co-wrote the script with Claire Parker.

The Spider-Man spin-off is set to premiere in theaters February 14, 2024.

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