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Marvel Discusses Loki's Disney+ Series At D23

Will the sun shine on Loki again?


One of the many shows that Marvel Studios' Kevin Feige discussed at D23--albeit very briefly--was Loki. The show takes the mischievous norse god on some adventures through time and, according to Feige, will explore the questions we all have.

Questions like, where Loki goes after picking up the Tesseract in Endgame, could he make a friend, and of course, will the sun shine on him again? Although actor Tom Hiddleston wasn't at the show, in a video message he said, "This journey you and I have been on isn't over yet. In fact, it's only just begun."

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Showrunner Michael Waldron and director Kate Herron teased that the show will take Loki to a "corner of the MCU we've never seen before," likely a nod to the fact that, with the Tesseract--aka the Space Stone--at his disposal, Loki can literally teleport anywhere in space and time. Details about just what and how he intends to use this power will be dealt with in the show, but as Tom Hiddleston pointed out back during San Diego Comic-Con, the Loki who will star here is the Loki who only remembers things up to The Avengers, and who's most recent experience was being pummeled by The Hulk. So it's safe to say he's not in the healthiest position.

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