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Marvel Says PS4-Exclusive Spider-Man Game Releasing In 2017; Dev Responds [Update]

Web-slingin' title currently has no official release window.


Update: Insomniac Games, developer of the upcoming Spider-Man title, has responded to the rumor by stating, "No release timeframe has been announced."

Original story follows.

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Now Playing: GS News Update: PS4-Exclusive Spider-Man Releasing In 2017

Insomniac Games' PlayStation 4-exclusive Spider-Man title will be released in 2017, according to Ryan Penagos, vice president and executive editor of Marvel Digital Media.

In a livestream, which was captured by Reddit user GamingSince95, Penagos was talking about Marvel's recent video game output and said "there's even more on the horizon for 2017 like Spider-Man coming to PlayStation 4 and Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite coming to Xbox One, PS4, and PC."

Insomniac's Spider-Man title was announced during E3 2016 but as of yet Insomniac, Sony, and Marvel have not officially announced a release date for the game.

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Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures have partnered for Spider-Man: Homecoming, a new movie which is set to hit cinemas in July. Insomniac's game isn't tied into this movie, but would no doubt benefit from being released this year. However, as previously stated, an official release date has not yet been specified for the game.

Spider-Man the game casts players as the iconic web-slinger in a completely original story. It takes place at a time when Peter Parker is "experienced" and "more masterful at fighting crime" in New York.

"From traversing with parkour and utilizing the environment, to new combat and blockbuster set pieces, it's Spider-Man unlike any you've played before," reads a line from the game's description.

Spider-Man, which is a working title for the PlayStation 4 game, is the first licensed game Insomniac has ever made. It is known most for the Ratchet and Clank series.

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