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Marvel's Avengers Now Has An AI Ping System Following Latest Update

Avengers has received an update, and it has added a much-wanted feature to the game.


Marvel’s Avengers has received an update, and it’s added a useful new ping system that will make guiding your AI companions easier. Patch V1.3.6 is now live on PC, PS4, and Xbox One, and is coming to Stadia at a later date. The update also adds numerous fixes to the game.

The new ping system currently only works with AI companions, but it gives you more control over their actions. Players can toggle pings with the D-pad, and can set AI fighters onto specific enemies, or have them focus on hacking or smashing doors while the player deals with something else.

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The system allows players to have a bit more control over situations they might find themselves in. While there's currently not an equivalent system for the game's co-op, developer Crystal Dynamics promises that it "will be implementing additional functionalities in future phases of the ping system".

The update seems to have led to a slight jump in Steam users, although the game is still struggling on PC.

While this is still a fairly minor update in the scheme of things, players keen for new characters have Kate Bishop to look forward to in December. If you're on PlayStation, Spider-Man is also arriving next year. The game is also being upgraded for PS5 and Xbox Series X/S; that was meant to happen this year, but the update has been delayed into 2021.

Along with this ping system, numerous other changes, additions, and fixes have been made. The full list is below.

Marvel's Avengers Patch V1.3.6 notes

Reassemble Campaign and Avengers Initiative

  • Fixed a variety of black screen errors, including:
    • A rare issue where a black screen could occur when vetoing a mission as the timer hits zero.
    • A rare issue where a black screen would occur when attempting to start a mission while players on a strike team are at different progression levels in the campaign.
    • A rare issue where a black screen would occur when attempting a Boss Lair mission another strike team member does not have.
  • Fixed an issue where players could be knocked out of world on the “Alternate Visions” mission when on their way to fight Taskmaster.
  • Fixed a rare issue where infinite load times occurred when switching between heroes at the Hero switcher or WAR TABLE.
  • Fixed a rare issue where loading into the SHIELD Substation Outpost after unlocking it via the campaign resulted in mission chains like "Reigning Supreme" and "Shield Substation Zero" remaining locked, halting Avengers Initiative progress.
  • Rebalanced enemies in the “Olympia Archive” campaign mission.

Art & Animation

  • Fixed a rare issue where black squares would populate on Thor’s face when hovering over Major Artifacts.
  • Fixed an issue where Hulk’s animation would sometimes get stuck when initiating Stranglehold from the air.

Multiplayer & Matchmaking

  • Fixed an issue where a strike team could be stuck in a loading state if another player joined while the host was traveling to an Outpost.
  • Fixed an issue where “Quick Match as any Hero” could result in multiple Hulks on a single strike team.


  • Fixed an issue where Iron Man’s Magno-Missiles consumed more intrinsic energy than intended, resulting in the firing of two rockets rather than three.

Gear, Challenges, & Rewards

  • Fixed an issue where vendor timers would occasionally hit 00:00 without refreshing.
  • Fixed an issue where gear would occasionally not send to the locker when the player’s inventory was full.

Marvel's Avengers received a 7/10 in GameSpot's review. "On the whole, I've enjoyed my time with Marvel's Avengers, and if Crystal Dynamics can deal with the technical issues plaguing the game, I'm looking forward to spending time mastering the combat styles of all the characters and exploring the expansions of its story the live game has set up," wrote reviewer Phil Hornshaw.

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