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Mass Effect: Legendary Edition Patch Fixes Xbox Headset Bug, Makes Visual Improvements

The sizable patch fixes various visual and Achievement/Trophy bugs, along with one tricky crashing bug related to playing on Xbox Series X with a headset.


Mass Effect: Legendary Edition has received a sizable patch across all platforms, aimed at fixing some visual bugs and one particularly tricky issue on Xbox Series X. The patch is now available across all platforms, and appears to range from 7 GB to 18 GB depending on your platform and current installs.

According to the patch notes, the May 17 update makes improvements to the iris shaders, and fixes an issue that would crash the launcher on Xbox Series X while using a wireless headset. The notes mention that this might still happen if you enable or disable a headset while inside the launcher, but that will be resolved in a future patch.

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The other updates are broken down by which game(s) they apply to. A fix to the first and third games should make your Achievements and Trophies for kills track correctly, while the fixes to Mass Effect 2 are mostly focused on visual fidelity. Those include improved lighting and VFX enhancements.

The PlayStation version of the patch is roughly 9 GB. The Xbox patch is said to be 18 GB according to a Reddit user, but we've seen it come in at just 7 GB with only the first Mass Effect game already installed, so your mileage may vary. You can check out the full patch notes below.

The Legendary Edition applies some fine-tuning to the classic sci-fi RPG series, even replacing a piece of background imagery that appears in one scene. Though sales figures aren't in yet, we know for sure that it's doing very well on Steam. For more on Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, check out our review-in-progress and wide array of guides to help you make your way through the galaxy.

Mass Effect: Legendary Edition May 17 Update Patch Notes


  • Fixed the main issue where the launcher would crash or become unresponsive on Xbox Series X when using a wireless headset
    • Known issue: This can still happen if you enable/disable a headset in the launcher. A future fix will resolve this issue.
  • Improved iris shaders for better interaction with light and ambient occlusion
  • Minor calibrations, fixes, and stability improvements

Mass Effect

  • Improved terrain textures
  • Fixed an issue where kills for achievements/trophies weren’t tracking correctly

Mass Effect & Mass Effect 2

  • Resolved an issue where the character code would sometimes not display in the squad menu
  • Improvements to pre-rendered cutscenes to reduce occasional artifacts

Mass Effect 2

  • Improved lighting and shadows in some cinematics
  • Minor visual, rendering, and VFX improvements on some levels
  • Resolved minor text issues with achievements

Mass Effect 3

  • Fixed an issue where kills for achievements/trophies weren’t tracking correctly

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