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Max Payne 2 mod tools update

Remedy confirms that enhanced editing tools to enable user mods will be released with Max Payne's sequel.


Although little information on the game has been released as of yet, an update on 3DRealms' Web site has confirmed that Max Payne 2 will ship with mod tools. Shortly after the release of the original Max Payne, users were able to release some significant mods for the game, most notably the kung-fu mod that added hand-to-hand combat to Max's repertoire of moves.

"We've been watching closely what people have been doing with the tools from the first game, so it'll be very interesting to see what people can come up with when they get access to the new and much improved toolset of Max Payne 2," said Remedy's Petri Järvilehto.

Max Payne 2 is scheduled for release this fall.

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