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Mega Man X4 Goes for a Ride

Capcom's latest Mega Man X game uses the Saturn to its full potential.


Capcom's original blue dude with the 'tude is back, but this time the outing is only going to be on the Saturn. This brand-new screenshots are from a recent revision of Mega Man X4. The game is coming along nicely, with improvements in graphics and gameplay that will make this title one to watch for this fall.

The first section is hardly changed - you guide Mega Man X or Zero through a cityscape while being chased by a huge, winged, mechanized enemy. Once you've blasted your way through the front door and defeated the winged boss at the end of the second area, you're on to the rest of the game. But right now, the rest of the game is incomplete.

Most of the screens you see here are new shots of the levels that we showed you earlier in GS News, with the exception of a new lava zone. The graphics are simply stunning. Transparent effects, excellent character animation, and huge bosses complement the game's very tight control. Capcom has done so many Mega Man games over the past ten years that you almost expect perfection, and even at this early stage, X4 plays amazingly well.

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