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Microsoft announces Midtown Madness 3 Xbox

The next installment of the popular arcade driving series for the PC is coming to Microsoft's console.


Microsoft announced today that Midtown Madness 3 is being developed for the Xbox by Digital Illusions, the same developer behind Rallisport Challenge. Midtown Madness 3 will be set in fully interactive interpretations of Paris and Washington, D.C. There will be 30 licensed vehicles to choose from, as well as three different gameplay modes, including blitz, checkpoint, and cruise. Midtown Madness 3 will also take advantage of the Xbox's audio capabilities by supplying ambient samples from pedestrians and traffic, as well as voice-overs for the game's characters.

"Midtown Madness 3 and the Xbox build upon the legacy of the Midtown Madness franchise by leveraging the powerful graphical and audio capabilities of the Xbox," explained Pete Parsons, director of marketing for Microsoft Game Studios. "In developing Midtown Madness 3, Digital Illusions has allowed gamers to experience the rush and thrill of unrestrained racing through highly detailed and fully interactive urban environments."

Midtown Madness 3 is currently scheduled for release in the fall. We'll have more information on the game when it becomes available.

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