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Microsoft Files "Xbox Series" Trademark, Sparking Speculation Of Another Xbox

It seems Microsoft is paving the way to announce another next-generation Xbox.


Microsoft has filed a new trademark application for "Xbox Series," which has sparked renewed speculation that the company is planning to release at least one more next-generation Xbox this year.

The trademark application, which was first reported on by WindowsCentral, can be seen here at the United States Patent & Trademark Office website. The application is for a game console, and the trademark drawing can be seen below.

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This new trademark filing renews the speculation that Microsoft will release another next-generation Xbox alongside the Xbox Series X, which is Microsoft's most powerful console. Like the iPhone has different models that exist under the same "iPhone" name, it would appear that Microsoft has filed this trademark to pave the way for the company to do something similar with Xbox.

The popular rumor is that Microsoft will release a less powerful, disc-free version of its next-generation Xbox. The rumored codename is Lockhart, and it's expected to be announced soon, according to reports.

Xbox boss Phil Spencer told GameSpot that it might release additional next-gen Xbox SKUs, and the Lockhart console is probably one of them. "Obviously, in the name 'Series X,' it gives us freedom to do other things with that name so that we can create descriptors when we need to," Spencer said in December 2019, all but confirming multiple next-gen Xbox consoles are coming.

For what it's worth, Sony just recently announced a disc-free PlayStation 5 that has the same power as the regular model, just without the physical media drive. This could be a key point of differentiation if the Lockhart rumors are true, as they suggest that console will have weaker specs and not have a disc drive. Since the console hasn't been announced yet, however, this is all hearsay for now. Keep checking back with GameSpot for the latest.

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