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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Producer Passes Away From Cancer

"His last few days were peaceful with his family by his side."

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Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor executive producer Michael "4G" Forgey passed away at 3:15 AM on March 3 from a rare form of cancer known as glioblastoma, his family reported.

Forgey, pictured with his family
Forgey, pictured with his family

"His last few days were peaceful with his family by his side," reads an update on his YouCaring page, where money was being raised to cover his medical expenses and support his children's future.

"Mike was so touched by everyone's support during his fight. His family wants to thank everyone for their kind words and support during this difficult time."

In December, the YouCaring page was established. At the time, Shadow of Mordor developer Monolith also arranged an event called #ForForgey, for which the company encouraged fans to play Shadow of Mordor, stream the game, and use the hashtag to spread awareness of Forgey's situation.

According to an update posted in January, Forgey enjoyed a holiday season with his family and a recent MRI showed a 15-20 percent reduction in the tumor. This was the last update posted before the notice of death on March 4.

As recounted on the YouCaring page, Forgey visited a doctor in May due to a migraine. He learned that he was suffering from a rare form of cancer known as glioblastoma, which he underwent surgery for. However, the primary tumor was inoperable, which led to him undergoing a variety of other procedures.

In addition to Shadow of Mordor, Forgey worked on the first two Gears of War games, Fable, and Conker.

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