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Mindscape Brings Creatures to the US

This virtual pet for the PC is described by Mindscape as similar to gerbils - which has us wondering.

With the release of Bandai's Tamagotchi and Tiger's Giga Pet, it seems that a virtual pet craze is poised to take over the nation. The trend is about to invade the PC domain as well. Mindscape and CyberLife Technology will be bringing the game Creatures to North America starting in July. Creatures features the Norns, described as bundles of fluff with big eyes and floppy ears, which users must teach to eat, speak, play, and interact. They must also breed and cope with predators. And owners of the Norns can exchange new generations of creatures with others to breed smarter, faster, healthier ones. Creatures is already available in Europe and Australia. Creatures is designed to be "played" on the PC.

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