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Minecraft PS4 Update Adds Cross-Play With Xbox One, Switch, And More

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Minecraft on PS4 will update to the unified "bedrock version" with an update on December 10, bringing it in-line with each of the other versions and allowing cross-play on the platform. This is the final platform to receive the free bedrock edition update, which is the name given to the unified structure that has been populating across PC, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS, Android, and Gear VR devices.

Aside from cross-play between platforms, the update will also let you carry over any purchases and progress between platforms with your Microsoft account. PS4 players will also be able to access the mod hub Minecraft Marketplace. Sony was reluctant to adopt cross-play on its platform, but began allowing it last year starting with Fortnite. Now it's available in many more games, including the recently released Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

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"One of Minecraft's core missions is to connect players across devices and provide the best experience regardless of platform," said Minecraft studio head Helen Chiang. "We continue to fulfill that mission here today by welcoming PS4 players to Minecraft on Bedrock and growing our cross-platform multiplayer community."

This update to the classic Minecraft edition is part of Microsoft's continued support for the game since acquiring the property. It's also working on other games, including the AR game Minecraft Earth and next year's dungeon crawler Minecraft Dungeons.

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