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Monster Hunter World: Street Fighter Sakura Armor Event Now Live

Dress your hunter like Street Fighter's Sakura.


Monster Hunter World's Kulve Taroth Siege may be coming to an end, but a new crossover quest is just about to begin on PS4 and Xbox One. The second round of the Street Fighter event kicks off tonight, May 3, giving players a chance to get a set of Sakura armor. [Update: The new event is now live, and you can grab the new armor now.]

The gear can be acquired through a three-part Challenge Quest called Empress in Full Bloom. The quest will appear in the rotation beginning at 5 PM PT / 8 PM ET (1 AM BST on May 4) and runs until the same time on May 10. The quests require a Hunter Rank of 12 or higher and challenge players with slaying a Pink Rathian.

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This is the second set of Street Fighter gear that players could get in Monster Hunter World. The first was based on Ryu and could be acquired by completing an Event Quest called Down the Dark, Muddy Path. While that quest is now over, Capcom has said that it will return to the rotation again in the future.

The Sakura armor isn't the only crossover gear available in Monster Hunter World right now. In addition to that, players can still take part in an Event Quest to get a set of Devil May Cry gear. That consists of a Dante costume and his signature Devil Sword. We've outlined how to get the Devil May Cry gear.

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