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More Halo Infinite Season 2 Details Coming "Really Soon"

Halo Infinite head of creative Joseph Staten says 343 Industries wants to make sure fans can rely on what the team says.


Halo Infinite Season 2 is right around the corner, and head of creative Joseph Staten says fans can expect new details on what's next "really soon."

"Fans are really soon going to be exposed to some really cool stuff we've got going on for Season 2," Staten says in a recent Washington Post interview. "It's taken a little bit longer to get the engine up to speed, communications flowing in the way that we want to, but the engine is cranking and I'm super excited about the next year and beyond."

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Staten later clarified on Twitter that the "engine" he is referring to is not Halo Infinite's game engine. He was instead using the word as "a metaphor for the whole Halo Infinite live service."

During the interview, Staten also stressed that 343 Industries wants fans to be able to rely on whatever new information the team puts out in regards to Halo Infinite. It's a sentiment Staten has echoed before, like in February when a planned status update on the state of the game's upcoming co-op and Forge modes was delayed so that the team could finalize plans and share reliable information.

343 later announced that co-op will not be coming with Season 2's launch, but that the plan will be for it to arrive sometime during Season 2. Forge, Halo Infinite's custom map creation mode, will be coming in Season 3.

Halo Infinite Season 2 is scheduled to release on May 3 and will be titled Lone Wolves. The launch of Halo Infinite's second multiplayer season will include new maps, game modes, events, balance changes, and a new seasonal battle pass.

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