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More Microsoft-Published Games Could Come to Steam

"We have and we'll continue to look where it makes sense to bring out titles to Steam."


Just recently, Microsoft announced that Quantum Break is coming to Steam, following its release on Xbox One and the Windows Store for PC. Could more Microsoft-published games come to Valve's digital storefront in the future? Xbox marketing boss Aaron Greenberg said in a new interview that Microsoft will put games on Steam "where it makes sense" instead of declaring that all of its games will come to the store.

"Well, from a fist-party standpoint, over the years, we've always had titles in the Steam store, from Age of Empires, to Alan Wake, to even more recently we had titles like Ori and State of Decay," Greenberg told DualShockers. "We have and we'll continue to look where it makes sense to bring out titles to Steam."

"We're excited to have brought Quantum Break there, we know there are fans of the Steam store, and costumers there that we can reach, that will enable the title to have even more success," he added.

Overall, Greenberg said Microsoft will continue to think about Steam when it's deciding where to launch its PC games. However, he mentioned again that this will only be "where it'll make sense."

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Greenberg did not offer any insight into what factors Microsoft takes into consideration when it's deciding where to release its PC games.

You can read the full DualShockers interview here.

Quantum Break comes to Steam on September 14 alongside a version of the game for physical retailers called Quantum Break: Timeless Collector's Edition.

The version of Quantum Break coming to Steam will include "all of the latest updates." Quantum Break's Steam version and the Timeless Collector's Edition will sell for $40.

In other news about Quantum Break for Steam, developer Remedy Entertainment has confirmed you won't need Windows 10 to play it.

Greenberg's comments about possibly releasing more Microsoft-published games on Steam is no real surprise. At E3 this year, Xbox boss Phil Spencer said more Steam releases of Microsoft-published games were on the way. Also, Steam is a juggernaut in the PC space; it has more than 125 million users.

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