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Myst III off to a strong start

Ubi Soft's latest adventure game posts impressive sales figures in its first two weeks of release.


Ubi Soft Entertainment today announced that its latest adventure game, Myst III: Exile, has sold more than 75,000 copies in the first two weeks of its release. The game was the top-selling PC game in both unit sales and dollar sell-through for the weeks of May 6-12 and May 13-19, and Myst III: Exile Collectors Edition, which was released at the same time, reached the top 10 in unit sales and the top five in dollar sell-through during the same weeks.

On another interesting scale of popularity, MP3 files of the game's soundtrack are remarkably popular on the Internet. The "Main Theme" from the soundtrack debuted at number nine on and climbed to number one last week, and the track "Exile" debuted at number 22.

Myst III: Exile is the third game in the adventure series that started in 1993 with Myst, one of the top-selling PC games of all time. For more information, take a look at our full review of the game.

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