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NBA 2K21's Latest Update Adds Seasonal Decorations

Update #5 is now available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.


2K has released a new update for the current-gen version of NBA 2K21. It's light on content and fixes, but adds a seasonal flavour to the game on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

New seasonal decorations and themed courts are now available as the winter holiday arrives at 2K Beach. In terms of fixes, MyCourt's Limitless free throw drill is now set to use the 2K camera setting in MyCareer. Online VS--the difficulty used in MyTeam Unlimited and Limited--has also been added to Play With Friends Games in MyTeam.

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Here are the full patch notes:


  • Winter holiday has arrived at 2K Beach with new seasonal decorations and themed courts now available.


  • MyCourt’s Limitless free throw drill is now set to use the 2K camera setting.


  • Added Online VS, the difficulty used in MyTeam Unlimited & Limited, to Play With Friends games.

The basketball sim earned a score of 6/10 in GameSpot's NBA 2K21 review. "NBA 2K21 shows that the lone basketball sim we have now has largely stagnated," said critic Michael Higham. "It's a full package, for sure, but one that demonstrates little-to-no motivation to meaningfully improve upon itself. That doesn't take away from the strong foundation that makes NBA 2K a fun and rewarding time. However, when you go through the same grind and the same process with only superficial changes, you just get burnt out faster than years prior. If ball is still life, NBA 2K21 is as good a version as any to pick, although even the greatest ballers need a rest."

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