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New Battlefield game to be announced Friday

Electronic Arts teases upcoming London announcement from Battlefield Heroes outfit Easy Studios.


The Battlefield series has proven popular as of late for publisher Electronic Arts. The most recent entry in the series, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, was well received when it released in February and has sold nearly 6 million units to date.

Now, the publisher is preparing for battle again. Yesterday, Electronic Arts' Ben Cousins took to Twitter to tease an upcoming Battlefield game announcement.

The Battlefield series spawns a new title on Friday.
The Battlefield series spawns a new title on Friday.

"Flying to London later today to show a new, unannounced #Battlefield game to the press," he wrote on the social networking site. "News goes public on Friday. (NOT#BF3)" He went on to confirm that the game was also not Battlefield Assault--a title that had been rumored after EA registered a related domain name.

A former executive producer on the Battlefield series, Cousins is currently in charge of EA's Easy Studios. The Stockholm-based shop currently handles browser-based games, such as Battlefield: Heroes, the stylized free-to-play shooter that boasts over 3 million users. It is unclear what platforms the new Battlefield title will release on, but given Cousins' position, it is likely the new title won't be out for consoles.

"#BF3" is the hashtag for Battlefield 3, which will apparently not be unveiled this Friday. EA has been ultraquiet on the shooter after confirming its existence in June 2009, saying only those who purchased Medal of Honor will have access to the Battlefield 3 beta.

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