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New Bayonetta 3 Trailer Introduces A Multiverse Of Witches

Bayonettas, Bayonnetas everywhere.


Nintendo and Platinum Games have dropped a new trailer for Bayonetta 3, and much like previous teasers for the Umbral witch's threequel, this one is big on action, magic, and has a virtual coven of alternate Bayonettas present. Witch-in-training Viola also makes an appearance in the video, alongside her demonic cat Cheshire and a few other familiar faces from the Bayonneta series.

One of the big changes in Bayonetta 3 is that the titular witch has a new voice, as the role has been recast from Hellena Taylor to veteran voice actor Jennifer Hale. Beyond the change in audio, Bayonetta 3 also has a few interesting additions to its core gameplay of gun-toting action, last-second dodges, and demonic finishers.

Demon Masquerade is one of the biggest combat upgrades, as this ability allows Bayonetta to channel the power of one of her demonic familiars and transform into one of several powerful new forms. Viola will also be playable in the game, and she uses a scrappy mix of swords, Witch Time parries, and Cheshire to wreak havoc on the battlefield.

If the gameplay looks a little too intense for you, you can head to the menu and opt for a more casual setup that allows you to automatically perform complex combos and defensive moves in battle.

There's also an option to tone down the more risque elements of Bayonetta 3's slightly not-safe-for-work finishers, in case your boss or your mom walks in on you. Bayonetta 3 will launch exclusively for the Nintendo Switch on October 28.

Darryn Bonthuys on Google+

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