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New Conan Exiles Trailer Shows What You Can Do in the Open Sandbox World

"In Conan Exiles, home is where you keep the hearts of your enemies."


Funcom today released a new trailer for Conan Exiles, highlighting game mechanics like building, crafting, defending, and fighting

Creative director Joel Bylos and lead designer Oscar Lopez Lacalle discuss these elements and talk about how Exile's sandbox world is stuffed with things to do. Another cool part of the video is the section where it's revealed that players can summon massive avatars of the gods who spawn in to the world to destroy everything in their path.

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Now Playing: Conan Exiles - BUILD in the World of Conan

"They say that home is where your heart is, but in Conan Exiles, home is where you keep the hearts of your enemies," Bylos said in the video. "Building is a big part of Conan Exiles and you will need to build smart and build strong in order to defend yourself from the environment, cannibals, monsters, and of course enemy players. We are working hard to make sure players have powerful tools to build and defend their kingdoms."

The release of this trailer comes shortly before Exiles' release on PC through Steam Early Access on January 31. The game launches in the Xbox One's Game Preview program this Spring. No date has been set for PlayStation 4.

Lastly, Funcom announced that it will host a livestream for the game on Twitch today, January 6, showing off some of the game's "advanced building and crafting gameplay." You can watch the event on Funcom's Twitch channel, starting at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET.

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